Friday, 29 May 2009

Baron is Back

Well Baron is back with us. At first he seemed really out of it but it has not taken long for him to get right back to his usual self.

I will probably be criticised for saying this and probably rightly so. It makes me think of Christmas Present anticipation. You know something is coming and you have a lot of excitement from it. Then it arrives and there is something of an anti-climax.

I am glad Barron is back really but at the same time it is probably just going to be back to the way it was now. The way it was was not all good. Baron is hardly back very long and already he is putting Hector down. Some of what he says is outright hurtful considering all Hector has been doing while Baron has been away.

Not really a great time to bring him up on it. Everyone is expressing their joy at having Baron back. I image he must be loving all the attention. The problem is with Baron back I can bet Hector will just end up fading into the background again. In one way having had Baron away has meant being able to deal with Hector more. It has been a good chance to see more of him.

Perhaps it might relate to the time that I joined but whatever fondness I might have for Baron is totally eclipsed by that which I have for Hector. It could prove a contention point if I am not careful.

Maybe it is as well that I suspect not many slices even read my blog anyway.

If Baron does persist in being unkind to Hector then so help me I am going to stick up for Hector as I think it high time someone did. Baron may think it is all fine but I have to wonder if his cutting remarks might hurt Hector more than he realises. I could be wrong. I don't know Hector feels about it all. For him to accuse Hector of deliberately being in no rush to get Baron back! After watching how much it was hurting Hector to have Baron missing, that remark is pretty hurtful in my opinion.

Perhaps right now if I can't be kind I had better just be quiet. I don't feel like showering Baron in party streamers if he is going to take up this attitude.

Ah well. I think I have said quite enough.

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